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The following Policies will become effective May 3, 2023 |
1) Hours of registration are from 8:00am till 4:30pm Monday-Friday.
2) All applicants for employment must register in person. IBEW members must show a current dues receipt, non-members must show valid driver’s license or government ID with photo.
3) All applicants must complete and/or update their registration card. If an applicant wants to be eligible for specialty calls they must indicate that on the registration card. (Up-to-date certification may be required).
4) All Applicants must re-register with this office monthly on the 10th-16th of each month.
5) Methods to re-register are as follows:
a) In person
b) By fax: (270) 898-2694
c) By email: or
6) To re-register by fax or email each applicant must include:
a) Name (as shown on registration form)
b) Current address
c) Phone number (including area code)
d) Local Union number
e) Card number
f) Original sign date
7) To re-register in person IBEW members must show a current dues receipt. If a non-member you
must show valid driver’s license or government ID.
8) Any applicant failing to re-register under the above methods will be removed from the “out of work list”. Applicants will not be notified when they have been removed from the book.
9) Request for manpower (job calls) from contractors will placed on the Job Line every night in the order in which they were received.
10) Applicants interested in a job call can access the Job Line between the hours of 6:00pm & 8:00am CST by calling 270-898-2456.
11) An applicant who wants to bid on a job should leave his/her name, and telephone number on the recorder. If multiple jobs are available, you may specify a job or state that you would take any available jobs. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have the correct phone number on file with Local 816.
12) Applicants who bid on jobs will be contacted by telephone beginning at 9:00am the following day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays). These applicants will be ranked per their referral position and book status. If the Local Union calls an applicant for a job they bid on and the applicant cannot be reached, the Local Union will go to the next available applicant. This will be deemed a refusal and the applicant will receive a turn down. Local 816 has a responsibility to fill calls in a timely manner as needed by the employers. If job calls are not filled with applicants from the job line these calls will be consider “open calls” and will be filled at the Business Managers discretion.
13) Applicants who sign the out of work list while open calls are available will be offered the open call. If the applicant does not accept the open call he/she will receive a turndown for that job.
14) Applicants who accept a job call will need to return to the Union Hall and pick up a referral slip during normal office hours prior to reporting to the job site. Local 816 will make an after hours pick up available to those who cannot arrive during office hours.
15) If you do not bid on a job listed and the job is awarded to someone below you on the out of work list, or by means of the open call procedure you will receive a turndown. Applicants will be allowed two (2) job turndowns without penalty. Upon the third turndown applicants will be rolled to the bottom of the list for their respective group.
16) An applicant who accepts a call but fails to report to that job as scheduled will be removed from the “out of work list” and will not resign until cleared to do so by the Business Manager.
17) If an applicant is rejected by an employer, “through no fault of their own”, such rejection will not be considered a turndown. If an applicant accepts a call, reports to the employer and finds, “through no fault of their own”, that the job is not available the applicant shall be returned to his/her original place within the group.
18) Short calls will consist of 14 days or less (Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays included). Any applicant that is hired and receives, “through no fault of their own”, employment of 14 consecutive calendar days or less, upon re-registration and proof of termination, shall be restored to his/her appropriate place within his/her group. Applicants must re-register within 48 hours of termination (excluding Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays) when returning from a short call. Applicants may re-register in person by fax or email but proof of termination must be included or you will be removed from the out-of-work list.
19) When an applicant accepts a call specified as a “short call” and the contractor extends the call past the 14th day the applicant if he so desires can request and will be given a Reduction In Force.
20) While on a short call applicants will not be penalized for any calls that come in.
21) An applicant is allowed to turn down a short call specified as a 1 day call without penalty.
22) Any applicant who is discharged for cause two (2) times in a 12 month period will be suspended from future referral privileges until they appear before the Appeals Committee for a determination as to the applicant’s continued eligibility for referral. (Inside Wiring Agreement Article V, Section 5.14(b))
23) Employers have the right to reject an applicant for employment. (Inside Wiring Agreement Article V, Section 5.03)
24) An Employer may require a Member to complete an application form. This form may include the following questions: Employees Name, Address, Telephone Number, Social Security Number, Date of Birth, and the Names, Addresses and Telephone Numbers of those to notify in case of an emergency. Also, when a Member is required to operate the Employer’s vehicle, the employees will be required to show a valid Driver’s License.